Swim Stronger and Faster.

Dryland training and high level swim technique expert

Blow past the Competition in your next Triathlon swim

Fast, smooth and effortless swimming is easier than you think. Train smarter and maximize your swimming potential with half the time and effort. Spending hours in the pool on your own and swimming thousands of yards could be hurting your performance and limiting your potential! I am an Olympic level pro swimmer who can help you take MINUTES off of your swim times through unique dryland and pool instruction. I’ve done all the technique research and experimentation so YOU don’t have to! Take the shortcut to quicker and smoother swimming, with fun and time efficient instruction. You won’t be able to find this level of detail tailored to your specific needs anywhere else, and your first lesson is completely free.

“Yusuf is an incredible person and instructor! I am an adult and didn’t learn to swim as a child. It was great to learn proper swimming mechanics and to begin to understand the “feel” of the water and how it behaves when the body moves within it. I progressed much more rapidly than I had with previous instruction. Yusuf also made it fun and I always look forward to our lessons which are ongoing! Highly recommend!!”

-Cynthia Ambres M.D.

“These guys are great! I had been participating in several marathons and spartan races and had been interested in trying out a triathlon but had always been hesitant on the swimming portions. Lucky for me, I met Yusuf out surfing near Santa Monica! Very intelligent and knowledgeable about the discipline and was able to get me comfortable with swimming long distances in just a couple months of work with him. The focus on all the technical aspects of the sport were very helpful for me as somebody who did not have a lot of experience in the water. The pricing is honestly a steal considering the trove of knowledge that Yusuf holds. Noah has also taught my younger nephew how to swim and he always had a blast showing up for lessons. Great swim coaches, would highly recommend!

-Kevin Moreno